Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So I decided to do a blog this year about this rooftop gardening stuff.   I've had a fair bit of success over the last 4, 5 years growing tomatoes, eggplants, basil, beans, lettuce(s), flowers, parsley so I thought I'd expand on it a bit this year.

I just finished ordering seed (gonna do it all "homegrown" again this year) so apart from the above, I'm adding carrots, kale, swiss chard, onions, radish, and frisee to the planting mix.  Am mixing up the beans, am trying color variations on the tomatoes; am expanding the space - more bus bin plantings (surprisingly, they work realy well particularly for plantings that don't require depth for root growth).  We will see how it goes.

I will be prepared for the birds this year though - ready at hand is the protective bird covering!  Last year they (I believe I can blame that invasive species, the starling - more on that in another posting) totally destroyed my initial plantings and I had to start from scratch.

In any case ... more later as this blog thing develops.  Like I said ... seeds have been ordered.  Am gonna buy a few more bus bins for the expanded plantings. And to keep you entertained in the interim I've included a few shots from last year!

See you soon ...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For a moment I thought it said Brooklyn Rooftop GRINDR... .... possibly fascinating....

    (is what i meant to say!)

  3. @Dale - I thought the same thing! ...Both humorous and progressive of Sebouh.
