Saturday, February 22, 2014

Am I living in a box?

Well, yes, a glass box that is.

#1 on my list of requirements when I moved to my current apartment was sun.  And I got that spades - and it is bearing fruit!

I take my composting to the Greenmarket (Union Square) and then I rinse out the containers and water my indoor plants with the "rinse water".  Well, I've had random "compost remnant" seeds sprout in my potted plants before and I usually just pluck 'em and throw out (or back into composting).

A couple months back, I noticed a tomato plant growing out of one of these said potted plants and thought, "eh - just leave it."  And leave it I did and guess what?  It grew ... and Grew ... and GRew ... and ... well, you get the picture.

And on top of all that ... it bore fruit and continues to do so!  I have no idea what kind of tomato it is.  It is not one of the breeds I grew last summer.  The tomatoes are small-ish, about the size of a silver dollar, round (give or take an inch) and I've gotten 3 or 4 already and I have another 5 or 6 more on the way, it would appear.  They aren't the most flavorful tomatoes I've ever had but a nice and unexpected addition to the winter mix!

And last week when I cleaned up/swept up a bunch of dead leaves and branches, the smell of tomato (nightshade??) permeated my entire apartment, a temporary and neat little bonus!

And on a musical note, I broke down and bought a Morrissey ticket.  Yea.  I know.  I saw him a few years ago at the Apollo and it was fine (I am a fan of sorts but not a fanatic).  He's been touting this woman Kristeen something or other who is opening for him as is Sir(!) Cliff Richard so I decided to just do it ... and it is so funny how we don't talk anymore.
Living in a Box
It's So Funny How We Don't Talk Anymore - Cliff Richard

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